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Sport Planes
My father had a fascination with airplanes for as long as I can remember. So I come by it honestly. I've been very fortunate to have flown in many different aircraft from RotoCraft Experimental gyrocopters to fully aerobatic fixed wing powered aircraft and gliders. The three dimensional world of flying removes the everyday barriers of life and holds a view close to heaven.

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Flying aerobatic maneuvers is like being on the highest and most aggressive roller coaster you can imagine without tracks. The picture above wasn't a sightseeing tour.
It was all about feeling alive. The picture below was a sight seeing tour and it had the same effect!
The above Piper Cub on floats was flown out of Jack Brown's Sea Base in Florida. The view was incredible from only a few hundred feet up. Getting in this plane is like pushing rope up a chimney. Just watch out for the gators! We flew the Twin Star gyrocopter below at Benson Days.
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Honda Pilot
If you're looking for an adrenaline fix, this is it. Its powered with a 400cc motor and can crank out with incredible speed.
The four wheel independent suspension keeps the ride smooth while you tackle all kinds of terrain.

If you're interested in an incredible ride, this is the vehicle for you. Click on the thumbnail images below for a larger view.

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  Don't expect a casual ride.
This ain't grandma's car!
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I've been using a Lightning Handcycle for over
4 years. It has a pivot steering system and it depends on your level of ability, but as a C6 complete quad I find this the best cycle on the market. I recently upgraded to an aluminum frame and the weight savings has been a big help!

My longest ride was a 1 day trip from Raleigh, NC to Greensboro, NC. 55 miles

Thanks to Nancy and the people at Fitness Today in High Point, NC for helping me prepare for several 5K & 10K runs.

Getting around off-road

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I'm not a hunter but I do enjoy target shooting. To get to the places I wanted to be, I added hand controls to a John Deere Gator and ventured out. I'm shooting a Ruger 10/22 at a 100 yard target.

Land, Sea & Air - Limitations are set by you!

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Vacationing at Hilton Head Island in South Carolina brought on another first. Parasailing.

The harness is placed on you while you're still on the back of the boat and deployed right from there. The only real fear you might have is slipping through the harness unless of course you might be afraid of heights, deep water, sharks and the occasional equipment failure.

The line is set for 1500 feet. Although the line is long, you don't actually ascend that high but it sure feels that way!

Weight Training

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This Equalizer home weight set works ideally for wheelchair and non-wheelchair users. All work-out stations are located in the front position and the unit can be placed in a corner of a room.

Most all upper-body exercises can easily be managed for a good strength building program. A balance of physical and mental exercise has made a very positive impact on life.

Paralympic Torch Run

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In 1996 I was one of the fortunate ones to carry the Paralympic Torch. I started at the North Carolina border and carried it for 2 1/2 miles up and down the rolling hills of Roxboro within a line of police cars, fire trucks and spectators.

Even though the sport chair I used was old and outdated, the pure adrenaline and spirit of the event felt like it moved me light years ahead.

Like going Topless?

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Its hard enough to purchase and maintain a full sized vehicle for everyday transportation but  I managed to splurge and get a fun vehicle for the warmer weather. Sebring JXI

As most quads will probably agree, a van with a lift is very practical. But a day in the sun and being in a vehicle that doesn't look like the family truckster is worth every minute of extra effort. The chair is taken apart and the frame is placed on the passenger seat.
(Blond sold separately)

Who can't work?

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I'm helping dig a ditch in some rented
equipment. Most heavy equipment is hand
controlled and can be safely operated by
higher level spinal injured people.

I wouldn't recommend this for a full time job
but its a blast to try something different!

Good Friends!

panthers.jpg (40882 bytes) Charlie, Mr. Lee, Timmy and I
tail-gating in Charlotte before a Carolina
Panthers football game.
The Panthers beat Dallas in a close game but the real action was off the field.

Thanks to Have a Nice Day Cafe for
not having Charlie arrested.


A Little History

Inventions for
Daily Living

Pics and Play

True Experiences

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